Monthly Archives: martie 2015

2013 – Szentivánlaborfalva Village Festival

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The Szentivanlaborfalva village days were organized on the 28-30 June. For the first time, the Youths of Szentivanlaborfalva organized the whole event on their own. The motivated team, lead by the president of the association Lehel Gabor, did an exceptional job by organizing the event with various programs for adults and children alike. The opening event was a table tennis tournament on Friday night.

The official opening of the event was on Saturday morning. According to tradition there was a procession by the majorettes, the wind band, the Szi@ members and the Hussars of Uzon on the main street. After arriving at the scene of the event, mayor dr. István Ráduly officially opened the event and thanked the Szi@ for organizing the event, since it is some weight off the shoulder of the Mayor’s Office and its employees. The first program of the day was the parade performed by the majorette and the wind band.

The succeeding event on Saturday was the football competition for adults, a photography exposition called “Our past, our present and our future” and the most popular of all, the different competition for children.

In the evening there was a concert by the Feketeügy Band, a stand-up comedy performance by Háromszéki Csemeték, a karaoke competition and live ball music by the Sláger Band.

The events on Sunday began with the football competition for children. The children were so enthusiastic about playing, that they played one return match after the other. The members of Szi@ rewarded them with chocolate bars and soft drinks between matches. After the football competition the children competed in competitions of different skills. Among them was the tug-of-war, the human wheelbarrow race, sack-race, running competition and pulling a car. After the physical competition came a general literacy competition.

The Sunday program continued with a car agility competition followed by music events by Pastor Csoma István Buzogány and the István Székely chorus. During the evening there was the awards ceremony, the presentation of raffle prizes, the Fire Dance show, the camp fire and the evening ball. The event was a success. We would like to express our gratitude for the support of the Mayor’s Office of Uzon and the Council of Covasna County.


Tanácshatározatok 2011

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01 modificari domeniul public.doc
02 domeniul public.doc
03 plan de activ 416.doc
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12 modificare taxe.doc
13 A.P.V.O..doc
14 limite minime 416.doc
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16 buget rectificare.doc
17 APIA sprijin.doc
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19 vanzare directa teren.doc
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23 puturi de apa.doc
24 SF kispal petofi.doc
25 SF vajna.doc
26 validare dispozitie.doc
27 buget rectificare.doc
28 cont de excutie 2011-1.doc
29 PT vajna.doc
30 inchiriere imobile.doc
31 nitrat.doc
32 regulament PUG.doc
33 ROF aparat.doc
34 SVSU.doc
35 modificare h.c.l.13.doc
36 sediu asoc. pens.doc
37 zilele comunei.doc
38 denumire teren sport.doc
39 pro civitate.doc
39 Pro Uzon.doc
40 relatii externe.doc
41 presedinte de sedinta.doc
42 buget rectificare.doc
43 nitrat SF.doc
44 chirii – uj.doc
45 Uzon kulturotthon.doc
46 Bikfalva kulturotthon.doc
47 revocare38.doc
48 inundatii SF.doc
49 proiect APA indicatori.doc
50 proiect APA indicatori.doc
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52 buget rectificare.doc
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56 sf inundatii.doc
57 Modernizare str Vajna.doc
58 buget rectificare.doc
59 cont de excutie 2011-2.doc
60 teren concesionare gaze.doc
61 divort taxa.doc
62 presedinte de sedinta.doc
63 Reteaua de apa potabila.doc
64 Reteaua de apa potabila2.doc
65 buget rectificare.doc