Mayor’s welcome


We welcome you to Uzon village!


We would like you to get to know our geographical setting, our culture, our folk traditions and customs, our colorful programs and services, none the less investment possibilities.

We are the largest municipality of Covasna county composed of seven villages (Uzon, Szentivánlaborfalva, Lisznyó, Bikfalva, Uzonfüzes, Lisznyópatak, Sepsimagyarós), located in the Brassó cove in the south-eastern edge of Alsóhároszék, 9 kilometers from Sepsiszentgyörgy, 27 kilometers from Brasso and 30 kilometers from Kovászna.

Most of the villages are old settlements. The names of Uzon, Szentiván, Lisznyó and Bikfalva are mentioned in the Popes records from 1332.

The unique and colorful harmony of our villages, the clerical and cultural values, our folklore, natural reserves and picturesque landscape will provide every visitor with a memorable and diverse experience.

It is worthwhile to visit our villages in order to experience our cuisine and hospitality. You can also roam our natural reserves, on foot or by bicycle, where you can discover the beauty of nature and wildlife. You can enjoy the fresh and clean air, the relaxed atmosphere, the silence of our forests and the rippling of the creeks.

As an economic or vocational investor, besides the advantageous setting of our village, you can enjoy the complete support of our local government, and you will find the right amount and quality of human resources in order to develop a successful company.

I wish you strength and health for your pursuits.

We hope that we will inspire you in visiting Uzon village, and can soon welcome you as a visitor, later as a friend and perhaps even an investor.

See You in Uzon!

Sincerely: Dr. Ráduly István

Mayor of Uzon Village


Phone: 004-0267-331002
Fax: 004-0267-331003
Mobile: 0040-74-302-6636