Lajos Simon – leathercraft, saddlery

tel:(004) 075 378 4383


Blog: My Blog

Baranta bemutató videók:

Szent György Napok 2007

Sepsimagyarósi Falunap 2007

Kézdivásárhelyi Sport Egyesület Napja 2009

I was born in Saint Georg city on 24 April 1977 on Saint George’s day. I spent the weekends and holidays of my childhood in Sepsimagyarós village, which is one of the seven villages belonging to the community of Uzon. This is where my Mother was born, and we had a cottage there. My grandfather János Bartha was a carpenter and cabinet maker. I spent a lot of my free time in his carpentry shop, watching him work and at times I made some toys myself. My father also did some wood carving in the shop for a hobby.

In the beginning of 2000 I started horseback riding and horseback archery. It was this activity that gave me a start on making traditional wood base saddles. Since saddler work needs leather craft as well, I started learning that while I was staying in Canada. At the beginning I made saddles and leather craft items for myself and now I make them when ordered.

By profession I am an English and Physical Education Teacher. I did my college studies in Budapest at the Eotvos Lorand University, Faculty of Teacher Training College. I have studied Chito-Ryu Karate-Do since I was a thirteen years old. I have done competition in karate through which I earned two silver medals and one bronze medal at the Hungarian Championships, and placed third at the Chito-Ryu world cup in Kumamoto Japan. I have also studied Baranta (Hungarian Martial Art) and placed second at the First Transylvanian Baranta Championships for which I largely prepared by myself as for my Karate competitions as well.