The jobs done by the employees of the Mayor’s Office working outside, is mainly done in the background, work that the village’s residents don’t always see, which we take for granted. But to keep order and tidiness in the parks, and gymnasiums, there has to be done a lot of work behind the scenes. We would like to show in a couple of pictures the work of these employees.
The „outside” workers clean the bark off the round pine logs.
They also check the water meters and arrange the furniture in the village’s Cultural Center.
They also do the maintenance work with the help of the villagers receiving social support.
It is our employees job to clean the sports hall.
During the winter, besides cleaning the walkways, the employees work in the basement of the Mayor’s Office. After renovation there will be protocol rooms prepared there.
The roads in the agricultural fields are also maintained by the Mayor’s Office’s employees.
The firefighter’s station is also renovated by the employees of the Mayor’s Office.
The central park is refreshed by a new coat of paint.