The Harvest Days, organized for the sixth time on 5-6th October, was a success. Thanks to the fairly rainy weather in the summer, the farmers had almost record size produce to display. Beside the vegetables, fruits and other finished products there were also local and invited handcrafters.
The opening ceremony was at 11 am on Saturday, where dr. István Ráduly and dr. Zoltán Sümegi of Tolna, Hungary both addressed the celebrating crowd. They spoke of the well deserved celebration after a year’s hard work, and the success of maintaining local tradition that stem from agriculture.
After the opening of the event, the succeeding cultural programs were opened by the children’s Brass Band of the Atlantis Cultural Association. There was handcrafting for children, table tennis competition and the Csere folkdance group also performed. For the farmers there was a display of seeds and pesticides that can be used for treating their produce.
On Sunday the program started with a sermon in the Reformed Church in Uzon. Following there was a wreathing for the commemoration of the 1848-49 revolution, where mayor dr. István Ráduly spoke of the importance of preserving our symbols and values, but moreover he spoke of using them freely and bravely. He reminded us that the suppression by the power of the state still exist, and therefore we must act in unison, because we are much stronger as a group in order to oppose retaliation of the state.
Following, the postponed inauguration of dr. Sümegi Zoltán as honorary citizen, took place in the local council’s hall. The mayor of Tolna, Hungary was touched by his inauguration, in the presence of the local councilors, expressing his deep commitment for the residence of the village and promised to help their life in any manner he can, and he always considered Szeklerland as part of Greater Hungary (as before 1920). The brass band of the Atlantis association entertained the locals in the evening and the Székely István male choir from Szentivánlaborfalva performed folksongs to the celebrating crowd.