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     Bordás Enikő



     Szabó Anna Mária



                NÉV                                                     PÁRT

Szabó Anna Mária


Lokodi Ana


Bölöni Sandor


Ráduly Zsolt József


Molnár András


Németh Ioan


Bordás Csaba-Lajos


Bordás Éva


Zátyi Tibor


Kloos Paula


Horváth Zita


Kovács Ferenc


Vrancean Alexandru


Vezetékes ivóvízhálózat Lisznyóban és Bikfalván!


2019 február 25-én a Polgármesteri Hivatalban került sor, Uzon község ivóvíz rendszerének a kibővítési munkálatával kapcsolatos kivitelezési szerződés aláírása, amelyet a Tricomserv KFT  kereskedelmi társaság nyert el.  A megkötött szerződés értelmében Uzon – Lisznyó, valamint Uzon – Bikfalva települések között ivóvízrendszer, illetve Lisznyó és Bikfalva összes utcájában vezetékes ivóvízhálózat lesz kiépítve. A munkálatok ez év márciusában kezdődnek el és  a jövő év (2020) augusztusáig kell befejeződjenek, értéke meghaladja az egy millió eurót.

A lakosság megértését kérjük a munkálatokkal kapcsolatos esetleges kényelmetlenségekért (felásott út, ideiglenes sár, zaj, stb).

Szerkesztette: Karácsony Médea
Polgármesteri tanácsos

Betöltötte 102. évét Fóriska Erzsike néni

“Mióta betöltötte a 100. évét, az uzoni Fóriska Erzsébetet minden születésnapján köszöntik a község elöljárói. Idén harmadszor, mert 102 éves lett a legidősebb uzoni. Ráduly István polgármester, Szabó Anna-Mária alpolgármester és Karácsony Médea tanácsadó egy csokor virággal és egy tejszínhabos tortával tették tiszteletüket nála.


Erzsike néni 1917. február 16-án született, de csak március 1-jén jegyezték be. Jó egészségnek örvend, bár egyik szemébe szemlencse van beültetve, semmi más szervi baja nincs. Saját házában él családtagjai féltő gondoskodásától övezve. Két unokája, hét dédunokája és négy ükunokája van, akik közül kettő, Török Dóra (az unoka) és férje e jeles alkalomra egy dobostortát és egy szép csokrot hozott, Tamara dédunokája pedig egy virágkosárral lepte meg az ünnepeltet.

Erzsike néni hosszú életének tanulságaként azt fogalmazta meg, „ki milyen poharat tölt, olyant ürít”, a becsület volt a legfontosabb érték, amelyet megőrzött az eltelt évtizedekben. Ha imádkozik, akkor másokért, a közösségért is könyörög a Jóistenhez, nemcsak magáért.”






Forrás: Székely Hirmondó

Elkezdődik a Pünkösti kúria felújítása!


2019 január 28-án a Polgármesti Hivatalban került sor a Pünkösti kúria felújítási munkálatával kapcsolatos szerződés aláírására a kivitelező céggel. A finanszírozási szerződés 2017 szeptemberében lett aláírva Gyulafehérváron egy Európai Uniós pályázat megnyerését követően.


A műemléképület restaurálási munkálatainak kivitelezése és átadása 2020 szeptemberében határidős.



Szerkesztette:     Karácsony Médea 

Polgármesteri tanácsos


Fűtött garázs áll rendelkezésére az uzoni önkéntes tűzoltóságnak

2019 január 19-én került sor az Uzon község két tűzoltóautójának tárolására szánt új garázs avatására. A régi garázsban a két tűzoltóautó közül csak egy fért be és télen ha hirtelen szükség volt mindkét járműre, akkor várni kellett arra, hogy a kint tartottat feltöltsék vízzel, hiszen abban a hideg miatt nem lehetett vízet tartani. Az új garázsoknak a község tulajdonában lévő régi nagy műhelycsarnok ad helyet, melyben két tűzoltóautónak alkalmas hely lett kialakítva.

Az avatóünnepségre meghívták a község előljáróit, a megyei sürgősségi helyzetek felügyelőségének vezetőségét, a prefektust, az alprefektust akik jelenlétükkel tiszteletüket fejezték ki Sipos János tűzoltóparancsnok és elkötelezett csapata iránt. Az ünnepségen felszólalók követendő példának nevezték az uzoni önkéntes tűzoltó alakulat tevékenységét.


Szerkesztette:     Karácsony Médea,

Polgármesteri tanácsos

18th Century Painted Motives in the Reformed Church of Sepsimagyarós

Since one could see the contours, it was considered a fact that there are painted motives under the brown oil paint on the inserts of the benches and balconies of the Reformed Church in Magyarós. In the lack of a professional and sufficient funding, the motives of the inserts were not restored. The ice broke this year, since as the new resident of the village, restorer and painter Ferenc Sánta had the experience and skills to undertake the project. On behalf of the Reformed Church of Magyarós, Pastor Botond Deák applied for a grant to the Covasna County Council, and the long awaited restoration project began.

Ferencz Sánta, who returned home from Budapest, coordinated lots of restorations. He restored masonry and paintings on the Museum of Fine Arts, Széchenyi Spa, the Basilica of Saint Stephen and the Synagogue of Győr, of which all are part of the World Heritage. As it was revealed, the church was finished in 1758 and the painted motives, together with the lead framed widows, were painted in 1797.

The ceremony in the Church was lead by Pastor Botond Deák. The standard of the celebration was raised by the performance of actress Zenóbia Zórkóczy. The ceremony was attended by Dr. Ráduly István and the residents of the village and with other guests. After the ceremony there was a reception hosted by the villagers and restorer Ferenc Sánta invited the guests for a dinner.

Cultural weekend organized by the Mayor’s Office of Ozun

The July 20th weekend will be memorable for the residents of Ozun. On this weekend there was a theatrical performance by the Mora Ferenc Theatre from Algyo, Hungary. The wind band concert and majorette parade was performed by the „Atlantisz” Cultural Association of Ozun and by the wind band and „Pearl” majorette group from Mezohegyes, Hungary.

The amateur actors of the Mora Ferenc Theatre have performed beyond everybody’s expectation with their comedy performance. Perhaps director and actor Sandor Kato, born in the nearby St. George City, is a guarantee for professional-like performance, who is also a former Romanian and Balkan boxing champion, and trainer. Mr. Kato started his acting career at the Hungarian National Theater in St. George and later moved to Temesvar, Budapest and Szeged. He also starred in the 80 Hussar film in the late seventies. The actors performed songs followed piano and guitar between the acts. At the very beginning they performed the Honfoglalas song which moved and affected the spectators, but they were also enthralled by the comedy. At the end of the performance the audience rewarded the actors with standing ovation.


The wind band concert at 12 pm on Sunday was opened by the „Atlantisz” Cultural Association as a way of greeting the guest performers from Mezohegyes. Parallel to the concert the majorette group performed their choreography with the high quality and professionalism expected of them. After the „Atlantisz” Cultural Association the guests from Mezohegyes also performed a concert with the majorette choreography. Their performance truly awed the audience from Uzon. Already before the concert ended some people suggested that there should be more cultural events organized on regular bases.


2013 – Szentivánlaborfalva Village Festival

The Szentivanlaborfalva village days were organized on the 28-30 June. For the first time, the Youths of Szentivanlaborfalva organized the whole event on their own. The motivated team, lead by the president of the association Lehel Gabor, did an exceptional job by organizing the event with various programs for adults and children alike. The opening event was a table tennis tournament on Friday night.

The official opening of the event was on Saturday morning. According to tradition there was a procession by the majorettes, the wind band, the Szi@ members and the Hussars of Uzon on the main street. After arriving at the scene of the event, mayor dr. István Ráduly officially opened the event and thanked the Szi@ for organizing the event, since it is some weight off the shoulder of the Mayor’s Office and its employees. The first program of the day was the parade performed by the majorette and the wind band.

The succeeding event on Saturday was the football competition for adults, a photography exposition called “Our past, our present and our future” and the most popular of all, the different competition for children.

In the evening there was a concert by the Feketeügy Band, a stand-up comedy performance by Háromszéki Csemeték, a karaoke competition and live ball music by the Sláger Band.

The events on Sunday began with the football competition for children. The children were so enthusiastic about playing, that they played one return match after the other. The members of Szi@ rewarded them with chocolate bars and soft drinks between matches. After the football competition the children competed in competitions of different skills. Among them was the tug-of-war, the human wheelbarrow race, sack-race, running competition and pulling a car. After the physical competition came a general literacy competition.

The Sunday program continued with a car agility competition followed by music events by Pastor Csoma István Buzogány and the István Székely chorus. During the evening there was the awards ceremony, the presentation of raffle prizes, the Fire Dance show, the camp fire and the evening ball. The event was a success. We would like to express our gratitude for the support of the Mayor’s Office of Uzon and the Council of Covasna County.


Vagyon és érdeknyilatkozatok


Work done by employees of the Mayor’s Office

The jobs done by the employees of the Mayor’s Office working outside, is mainly done in the background, work that the village’s residents don’t always see, which we take for granted. But to keep order and tidiness in the parks, and gymnasiums, there has to be done a lot of work behind the scenes. We would like to show in a couple of pictures the work of these employees.


The „outside” workers clean the bark off the round pine logs.


They also check the water meters and arrange the furniture in the village’s Cultural Center.


They also do the maintenance work with the help of the villagers receiving social support.


It is our employees job to clean the sports hall.


During the winter, besides cleaning the walkways, the employees work in the basement of the Mayor’s Office. After renovation there will be protocol rooms prepared there.


The roads in the agricultural fields are also maintained by the Mayor’s Office’s employees.


The firefighter’s station is also renovated by the employees of the Mayor’s Office.


The central park is refreshed by a new coat of paint.


9th Bikfalva Village Festival – 2013

The 9th Bikfalva Village Festival was organized on June 9th. The village situated at the foot of the Bodzafordulo mountains can be called the pearl of the seven villages under the administration of Uzon, since there are numerous mansions and manor houses there. In the village also known as the land of manor houses, time for celebration has arrived once again. The celebration was justified by the rainy weather, very good for the crops, since the majority of the village residents are farmers.

The festivities began with the Sunday mass in the Presbiterian Chapel. Seeming as a tradition, the men gathered in front of the gate and shook hands respectively, discussed events of the village while awaiting András Klátyik and the deputation from Alsótold- Hungary, Mayor Dr. István Ráduly, Vice Mayor Csaba Ábrahám and other villagers. At the end of the mass the Mayor and Vice Mayor could not adress the oldest member of the village Rozália Erdélyi, as customary on every village festival, but as the grandson of Rózsika néni, Vice Mayor Csaba Ábrahám accepted the flowers and small gift on her behalf.


At the end of the mass, the congregation visited the fortified church and its ancient tombstone collection. Even though the church is under renovation, it was still a breathtaking sight. The church can seat about a thousand people, since the population of Bikfalva used to be around that.

The afternoon events began with the procession of the wind band and the majorettes. Following, mayor Dr. István Ráduly oficially opened the festivities. The mayor of Alsótold – Hungary, András Klátyik and pastor Imre Sánta of Bikfalva also greeted the celebrating locals and guests.



After the official opening of the festival there was a show performed by the „Atlantisz” Wind Band and Majorette Group, mayor Dr. István Ráduly opened the exhibition of paintings made by János Pál, Dávid Bölöni perfomred his Csikós Show (tricks done by horse and rider) and a statue of St. Marie was ordained on the front courte of János Szabó in Bikfalva.


The festivities closed with the performance of the „Csere” Youth Folk Dance Group, the citation-, song- and dance performed by the Volunteers of Bikfalva, followed by the ball with live music lasting until midnight.





























10th UzonVillage Festival – 2013



The banks of the river Feketeügy ware loud of joy on the 24-25-26 of May: the 10th Uzon Village Festival was on the venue. Before the official opening of the festivities, the book of former mayor, Laszlo Höncz, entitled „Guilty but a Winner” was introduced to the readers, which meditates on the events of the 1989 revolution. The readers were very active and some told their own experiences. History became alive on this meeting.



After Mayor Dr. István Ráduly officially opened the festival, the band called „Szalonspicc” (Saloon Buzz) performed songs in chanson, musical, operetta and film soundtracks. The concert proved successful and there was a full-house. At the end of the concert the crowd showed their appreciation by applauding the performers.


On Saturday the program began with a demonstration performed by the Voluntary Firefighters of Uzon. The talented youths could test their skills in mini football competition. In the late afternoon the Harai Band and Ágnes Zayzon performed authentic Hungarian music from Transylvania, later the „Csere” Youth Hungarian Folkdance Group followed by the Ida Aerobic modern dance performance. The main event of the day was the Annamari Dancs concert in the evening.


At 9 am on Sunday, cyclists gathered for a tour in the nearby villages. The celebrations following the tour started with a mass in the local Roman Catholic Church after which the new statue of Saint Mary, donated by Ibolya Dimény, was ordained. The inauguration of the Hussar Historical Reenactment Group took place in the central park, following which the plaque on the frontispiece of the Mayor’s Office, for the memory of the Hussars of the 1848-49 revolution was unveiled.


One of the most spectacular elements of the Sunday program was the procession of the „Szekler Virtus Historical Re-enactment Association” (hussars), the wind bands and majorettes invited for the Festival. The youths of Szentivánlaborfalva organized programs for children in the Leisure Park. There were Hungarian and Romanian folkdance performances by the „Pine” and „Voinestenii” dance groups. The folklore program was followed by the Hungarian „Piramid” band. The young and elderly residents of Uzon enjoyed the programs alike, which conserve our traditions and help to build relationships between the villages. In conclusion we can say that the 10th Uzon Village Festival was a successful event, and the fireworks were spectacular.



Our athletes


Mária and Hajnal Korodi

The twins are born in 1950 in the twin village of Szentivánlaborfalva. They attend primary school in Szentivánlaborfalva. They started playing table tennis under the instruction of Ferenc Molnár and András Boga. After a 5-6 month training period they win the national youth table tennis championships in Marosvásárhely. Due to their success, the rail team of Brasso contracts them as their athletes. After completing 8th grade they successfully pas their entry exam to the Hungarian faculty of Unirea High school in Brasso. Their new trainer is Aurel Popovici. Under his instruction Maria and Hajnal become national and European youth champions, win numerous international competitions as individuals, pair and team players. They both graduate from the Faculty of Biology of the Pedagogy College of Brasso. As athletes they had the opportunity to travel in Europe and Asia. They have visited Leningrad, Paris, London, Copenhagen, Köln, Krakow, Budapest and Wien. They also visited China and Turkey. Maria signed a contract with Arad Sports Club in 1972 and started teaching biology in the village of Szentpál. Hajnalka began teaching in Gyimes region. They both completed their College studies at the University of Bucharest. They both managed to advance their career. Hajnalka transferred first to Uzon, then to Sepsiszentgyörgy. She taught at Mikes Kelemen High school and later became director of the Agricultural High school, then deputy inspector of education, the director of the Educator’s House, then adult educator and manager. Maria also became director in Arad. They both received the Ezüstgyopár (silver cottonweed) award of the Hungarian Educator’s Association. Hajnalka is the founding member of the Berde Mózsa Foundation in Szentivánlaborfalva who accomplished to erect monuments (1848-49 revolution), give prizes to the students for good achievements (Berde-loaf award), and helping the poor families. They maintained a close working relationship with the Church and initiated partnership with Cibakfalva, Hungary and published the „Twin Village on the banks of Feketeügy” monograph. They were active members of the Association of Hungarian Educators of Romania and the Hungarian Cultural Association of Transylvania. Hajnalka passed away in 2010. May her memory be blessed. Maria lives in Arad with her family.